Garrett Bands Leadership Team
Leadership Team Applications are due May 1, 2024 (an alteration from the document below)
Character Expectations of Leadership Team Members:
The essential job of the drum major is to visually show the time during the performance of the show. However, the drum major is one of the biggest leaders in the group. A good drum major has and shows good time, but also is capable of playing and producing a characteristic sound on their instrument well. A good drum major does not dominate over others in the group, but rather is there to help all and lead by setting a good example. A good drum major is kind, humble, respectful, helpful, and patient. The drum major also conducts themselves in a professional manner with others and the staff. A good drum major ensures that all section leaders are getting along and following their responsibilities. Drum majors also help any members that need it throughout the season. A good drum major makes sure that all members are respectful and attentive at all rehearsals. The drum major is an essential position, as the attitude and character of the drum major inspires and holds the band family together.
Requirements of a Drum Major
• Excellent leadership skills.
• Attendance at all rehearsals and performances, with very few exceptions.
• Attends Leadership Team Training Day
• Attends both Rookie Camp days
• Must be enrolled in the Marching Band course.
A Great Drum Major…
• Has outstanding character.
• Leads by example.
• Is willing to forgo their own ego for the betterment of others.
• Pushes past frustration and others’ attitudes in order to lead.
• Takes attendance at rehearsals from section leaders.
• Respects themselves and all others.
• Makes sure that the ensemble is respectful and attentive.
• Communicates with section leaders to ask if they need anything.
• Does not dominate over others.
• Makes sure that section leaders are getting along with each other and the members of their section.
• Helps the section leader perform their responsibilities the best that they can.
• Inspires great leadership throughout the group.
• Goes the extra mile to help anyone in the group.
• Forgoes their personal preferences and attitudes for the good of others.
• Helps the group to have fun!
Available Positions:
Color Guard
Woodwind and Brass captains exist to help the entire section. This position is often given to a section leader that can be trusted with the entire instrument family.
Captains are of the utmost character in their divisions, and are trusted with running the sectionals, maintaining unity among the sections, and organizing/collaborating with the section leaders. Captains are the step under the drum major in maintaining the balance in the group. Captains are highly trusted by the Director and Staff.
Frequently, sectionals occur with instrument families. Having a captain designated to be in charge is helpful so that leaders can understand boundaries and work well together.
Available Positions:
High Brass
Low Brass
Color Guard
First and foremost, a great section leader leads by example.
The section leader is responsible for all other members of their section. Someone with less seniority may be chosen if they are the best candidate for the position. A good section leader has the respect of others, is patient, kind, caring, and hard working. The section leader also conducts themselves professionally with others and the staff. They have a good understanding of how to play their instrument with a good characteristic sound. Willing to help others, a section leader is responsible for helping the new members of the group out, and ensuring that all other members are doing their part. A section leader listens to the director and staff, follows instructions, and helps others along the way.
Requirements of a Section Leader
• Must be enrolled in the marching band course.
• Attend Leadership Training Day.
• Attend both Rookie Camps
• Attend all practices and competitions (few exceptions made)
A Great Section Leader…
• Shows outstanding character
• Leads by example.
• Respects themselves and all others.
• Shows effort to be the best they can be.
• Goes the extra mile to make others better.
• Cares about the band family.
• Gives help to all members of their section, ensuring they are all doing their part.
• Schedules and runs sectionals.
• Takes section attendance.
• Is accountable to themselves.
The Rookie Coordinator is there to help all new members get acclimated to the ensemble, understand their role, and be sure that they are feeling welcomed to the band family. A great rookie coordinator is responsible, kind to others, helpful, and is attentive to others’ needs. The rookie coordinator will ensure that new members have all items needed for competitions, know when practices are, understand expectations, helps them know where to go and where to be, etc. The basic function of the rookie coordinator is to be kind and helpful (this does not only pertain to new members).
Requirements of a Rookie Coordinator
• Attend Leadership Team Training Day.
• Attend both Rookie Camp days.
• Attend all rehearsals and performances.
A Great Rookie Coordinator…
• Is “others-focused”.
• Has outstanding character.
• Continually checks with new members and does not wait for contact.
• Leads by example.
• Helps rookies to be their best.
• Helps ensure that rookies are having fun!
• Respects themselves and all others.